Wednesday, January 28, 2009

November 13th 2008, Progress Report

Up until know my cancer treatment has been pretty easy. At least nothing as bad as I first feared. I even felt guilty for not suffering enough. On Tuesday my husband and I drove down for my two week check up expecting to have the drains removed. So I was terribly disappointed when Dr. Mosharrafa said he wanted to wait one more week. But worse news followed. He said he was concerned about the possibility that my skin was not healing. It's paper thin because Dr. Corn aggressively got all the tissue she could. The hope is that the remaining skin will get enough circulation to thrive. He says we'll just continue the twice a day dressing changes for the next 6 to 8 weeks! This does not compute. I hate this part and can't imagine 6 to 8 weeks more of it. Could be worse I tell myself thinking of a friend who is presently in a burn center. He says he will not do anything to compromise my treatment which is to say its up to my oncologist, Dr. Kato, who we'll see tomorrow. The possibility is that my body is rejecting the expanders. Last night I experienced two hours of violent shivering. I had a fever of 100. This morning it is 100.6. So we are awaiting a call back from the doctor.

Either way, I feel at peace. I have the most incredible support group - prayer warriors par excellence starting with my daughter who sends such wonderful encouragement. The blessings from this cancer are beyond my expectations.

I confess this has not been all mountaintop experience. I have shaken my fist at God but it seems the moment I do, he sends a saint to lift me up!

And yes, I would still do this again if it were up to me.

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