Wednesday, January 28, 2009

December 21st 2008, Healing

Last week I had my mastectomy stitches removed. My remaining wound has shrunk in half. A large band-aid covers it freeing me from the ace bandage which I've worn since October 29th. With this new freedom comes the realization that the tightness around my chest is not from the bandage. I went on a breast cancer blog and "eaves dropped" on the conversations of dozens of women. This rubber band feeling, it seems, it permanent and I will get used to it hopefully. It clearly drives a lot of women crazy. I hadn't known to expect this. I feel as if I'm wearing something. Some described it as a too tight bra.

I sought out exercises for stretching and began those. But after weeks, I am able to sleep on my side which I know causes me to have a smile on my face falling asleep. Thank You Lord! It just takes an extra pillow for support but at least my husband doesn't have to listen to any more snoring.

Three ladies have contacted me with a breast cancer diagnosis for them self or loved one since I started this journey. Three other ladies have walked this path before me and have offered insight and encouragement. I'm glad to pray for them all, so sorry they have to go through this. The breast cancer blogs say, "welcome to the club you never wanted to join".

I will resume the remaining 3 sessions of chemotherapy in mid January. Not sure if that will be followed by radiation or another attempt with tissue expanders. The alternative is radiation first and reconstruction six months to a year later performed by using the lattisimus dorsi muscle from the back. I'm praying for the expander route if the radiologist deems it safe to wait. I am amazed by medicine and all they can do.

Looking back, I can see all I've come through so far. For me the hardest part was the pain and its requirement for narcotics. The narcotics made me depressed and mentally weak but I was so glad to have them. I also found out that Percoset stops hot flashes! A blessing in the thorn!

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