Wednesday, September 15, 2010

March 20, 2010 Three's a Crowd

It has been five days since my surgery. I have been surprised by how well it has gone. I am hoping to cut back on the Percoset today. With all this down time I would love to use it to do something creative.

It must have been cloudy the last time I had to take this drug. The brightness of these sunny days really bothers my eyes and my focus is off enough to make reading difficult. I didn't realize how wonderful it would be to have God's Word hidden in my heart until it became painful to read. I recently memorized most of John 15, a meaty passage worthy of hours of reflection.

Tomorrow we make a trip to Phoenix for my first post-op appointment. I have no bandages, just clear steri-strips over the four long incisions. Not to be indelicate, but I have a nice soft mound which might be my future breast except for its unusual location - smack dab under my right arm. Now, I have a sense of humor like the next person, and if I were not writing this about myself, I'd be sniggering away. BUT....well, I will be anxious for answers tomorrow.

Dr. Mosharrafa seemed a bit "off" when he released me last Thursday. I thought he was distracted by other problems. The nurse agreed he seemed quiet but took it personally thinking he was unhappy seeing the blood spattered pillow and gown which we'd agreed was not worth the discomfort of changing at the time. But now I am wondering if he was wondering how he would have to tell me that I will need another surgery to correct the results of the misplaced foob.

On a happier note, the hyper sensitivity I have felt in my breast bone is practically gone. The great thing about this, is that it no long hurts to hug! And the concave cavities of my chest are now filled with expanders, already creating a more normal appearance.

If I could just get my questions answered, I might feel I am on the road to recovery. No sense borrowing trouble.

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