Tuesday, January 26, 2010

For One Who's Gone

She was the graceful, tenderhearted woman I met near the end of my radiation. We only crossed paths twice but we bonded at the first meeting, we are sisters-in-Christ. Her breast cancer had returned and she was facing a second round of treatment. We sat side-by-side, starched gowns covering our nakedness, exposing our vulnerability. Silver curls haloed a thoughtful face as she confessed an earnest desire to live to watch her grandchildren's lives unfold.

She called me a while back and shared her frustration with our doctors - we shared Dr. Kato and Kuske. And she told me how tired she felt. The battle was taking its toll. Last night I received an email from her daughter letting me know Gerri had passed on October 26th.

It hit us hard, my husband and I. He'd met her and her husband in the waiting room. He'd noticed the stricken face, the lost gaze of a husband facing the fear recurrence brings. She is the first of our acquaintances on this road of cancer to have succombed. It is sobering.

I fell asleep last night at peace, grateful for each day and especially for the new man my husband has become. He, I am sorry to say, could not sleep. He was feeling "emotional" he told me. I know it is hard for him not to worry. We have seen my brother's cancer recur five times. It is a fearful thing. Yet he, Jim, is still going strong.

I remember meeting Gerri the first time, how we rejoiced in seeing Christ in each other. A great Hope in a hard time. We briefly poured comfort into each other and went on our ways, the stronger for it. I remember, at the time, feeling grateful for her soft eyes and sweet face. She gave me a bit of herself to take on my journey and I am grateful to have met her, more grateful that we shall meet again.

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