Saturday, April 4, 2009

February 23, 2009 CAT scan

February 23, CAT scan

I've never had a CAT scan and am not sure what to expect. It can't be any worse than a Pet Scan or a Muga scan. We wait a long time in this new waiting room. 5 other women are waiting in varying states of baldness and I try to imagine their stories. This location is temporarily accomodating Dr. Kuske's patients, whose equipment is not yet ready in his new location. I am meeting him here.

Finally I am taken back by a very sweet technician. Shoyei cannot accompany me and this is very hard for him. While we wait for the doctor to arrive I share my concern with the technician about scheduling the 5-day-a-week treatments. She informs me that as of today's scedule, the two available daily treatment times are 5:15AM and 10:15PM. This news sends my mind scrambling for a plan to deal with this unexpected scenario. I conclude this isn't going to work well at all. The technician assures me they will "work with me" since I'm driving from Prescott.

I lay on the "bed" and Dr. Kuske whips out his magic marker. He measures and writes and draws his plan on my chest. While the technician positions me, he tells me he will await the scan and calculate his treatment plan from there. He comments on my flexibility. "Most people can't do that so easily," he says as they place my right arm over my head. This pleases me. My stretching has worked.

He leaves and the technician starts the scan. I've warned her of my claustrophobia not really expecting any. This machine is not so intimidating. However, my trusty overactive imagination manages to make this five minute scan a trapped-at-the-bottom-of-a-well experience and I politely call to her through the intercom that I need to get out. "Hang in there, almost done, almost done." She repeats this for a minute or two and then I am done. I'm done and embarassed and disappointed in myself all at once. "Irrational fear," I chide myself.

Oh well, another experience under my belt. I won't be afraid next time now that I know what to expect.

Awaiting the next step - a dry run and a tatoo.

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