Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fear Not

"He placed His right hand on me a said "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last." Revelations 1:17b

Isn't it awesome! He touches us. Our Creator, Almighty God. He puts His hand on us and reminds us - we have nothing to fear. He IS all we need. He is the First and the Last and everything in between.

In the wee small hours when I can't sleep and the fears and worries crowd in - He is there with His touch. With His gentle words. Oh what a mighty comrfort it is!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Have you ever been at the seashore and seen the waters flat and still, a glassy reflection of the heavens, gently pulsating to the tides pulling to an fro, to and fro? I believe it's a picture of this verse. He has the power to calm the seas and tame the storms roiling about our lives. Our part is to be still and know - He is God.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Living Water

One day last summer a friend told me she had a dream. We were standing in a line together to go into a place for prayer. She said I stepped out of the line and dove into a swimming pool fully clothed. I got out and dove back in over and over. She tried to get me "back in line" but the Lord told her she needed to do what I was doing.

My eyes filled with tears. I told her that morning I'd been feeling overwhelmed with my work responsibilities. I thought about what I wished I could be doing. When I was 13, my parents had a swimming pool installed. On a hot day, I sometimes had it to myself for a few minutes. I would take a deep breath and I would dive in and just float, revelling in the refreshment of the cool water, the quiet, the weightlessness.

I closed my eyes, remembering the delight of it, and I asked God if I would ever experience such quiet enveloping peace again. Then He reminded me "He leads me besides still water"(Psalm 23:2b). I can sit beside it, wade in slowly or I can dive in. He IS the source of the waters of life. (Rev. 22:1) I can fall into Him and be refreshed.

Her dream which preceded my memories and my question that morning was confirmation of His answer to me. He knew what I needed before I even asked!

What a mighty God we serve. Amen!