"Although I have afflicted you,.....I will afflict you no more." Nahum 1:12
I have just experienced a period of testing. "Sorrows like sea billows rolled". I felt overwhelmed with the seemingly endless trials crashing over me in waves.
I remembered a time my husband almost drowned while we vacationed in Cancun. An excellent swimmer, he dove into the ocean waves and with a few confident strokes found himself caught in the convergence of two wave patterns crashing over him. Unable to catch his breath between waves, he would have drowned but for an alert life guard who rescued him.
My circumstances found me deeply humbled as familiar waters turned violent. I barely caught my breath before another trial overtook me.
As I studied the scripture 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, the "Love" chapter, God showed me areas in my life needing pruning(for who He loves, He prunes)and I glimpsed His purpose in my suffering. Once I was able to submit to His shears, I sensed a new freedom. He'd cut away a few dead and useless branches I was carrying and the fruit of hope and joy sprang forth.(John 15).
"There is a limit to our affliction. God sends it and then removes it...........who knows how soon these raging waves will give way to a sea of glass"(Streams in the Desert) ................or when God our Lifeguard will pluck us from our circumstances. But we can know that it will be once we've glorified God and given Him all praise and honor.